Our Team
At BCS, the teaching staff and administration are professional, knowledgeable and passionate. They clearly love what they do and love the students they teach. Most importantly, our staff are committed Christians who live out their faith in the classroom, encouraging students in their own spiritual formation. To teach at BCS, each teacher must hold the certifications required by the Government of Alberta and in addition, they must commit to the educational philosophy of BCS and to their own Christian faith.
Shain Chisholm – Principal, Bible
- Stephanie Anderson
Grades 7/8 Language Arts, Grades 10-12 English, Health 7/8 - Bonnie Bennik
Grades 7/8 Language Arts, Grades 7-12 Social Studies, Jr/Sr High Options - Jamie Campbell
Gr. 5/6, PE, Jr/Sr High Options, Athletic Director - Sarah Goodfellow
Science 10, Math 5/6, Grades 9-12 Math, PE - Ken Kroeker
Grades 5-12 Sciences, Jr/Sr High Options - Joshua Overland
Grade 3/4 Math, Grade 5/6 Math, Grade 7/8 Bible, LA 9, Jr/Sr High Options, Music 5/6 - Brittany Riddle
Gr. 1/2 - Erinne Wolfe
Gr. 3/4, Learning Specialist Teacher - Brooklyn Young
ECS, Grades K-4 Music, Grade 3/4 Math, Math 7/8, Jr/Sr High Options
Cathy Massey – Office Administrator
Support Staff
- Amanda Bartel – Education Assistant
- David Knoepfli – Chaplain, Bible, PE, Jr./Sr. High Worship Bands
- Katelyn South – Family School Liaison Counsellor
- Leanne Steiner – Education Assistant
- Christine Wasik – Grades 9-12 Online Learning Assistant/Education Assistant
- Katrina Wyatt – Education Assistant